Over the last three months, the business has invested over 1 million pounds to modernise Line 2 and enhance its capability. The entire entry section of the line has been replaced with new equipment from Heinrich Georg, Wolverhampton, to provide the following benefits:
- Ability to process heavier coils, up to 30t, which will significantly improve productivity.
- Coil saddle fitted with spin rolls to allow the operator to rotate coils to remove any risk of outer lap spring back.
- Fully automatic coil loading programme to position coils onto the de-coiler at the correct height and accurately centralised.
- An EMG strip guidance system to accurately control the centralisation of the strip during processing.
The ongoing improvements to Line 2 will ultimately improve efficiency and increase the consistency in our quality and ensure that operators are working in an ever safer work environment.
For more details or to place an order with us, please contact your local department:
Central / Ireland: 01562 740 477
Wales / South West: 01495 279 247
South East: 01376 563 682
North: 01625 855 565
Email: jtsales@johntainton.co.uk